- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Un Model Position Paper

Enviado por   •  10 de Junio de 2015  •  288 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  174 Visitas

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Topic: the crisis in Venezuela and the United States planning to send troops in order to preserve stability.

Country: the Russian Federation.

Committee: the Security Council.

The Russian Federation, being a permanent member, know the situation about the Venezuelan crisis and is aware of the United States intension of sending troops to preserve stability without the consent of the Venezuela´s government.

The problem began with the president of the United States Barack Obama, declaring a "national emergency with respect to the unusual and extra ordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of US represented by the situation in Venezuela”.

And the president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro responses to protect themselves with a threating way to the preview declaration.

This situation concerns the international community because it seems the human rights are not respected and we realize that an intervention is required as soon as possible.

Venezuela, at this moments is also a part of the Security Council, The Russian Federation, as a permanent member of the Security Council, rejects any possibility and denies all the United States intensions of entering the borders of Venezuela without the majority of the votes of all the members involved.

In any case, the best decision according the Russian Federation would be an international discussion of all parts involved and if it does not work, or any of the parts does not come, the UN shall send the UN Peacekeepers in order to preserve stability in the country and protect the civilians.

The United Nations Security Council as the main body responsible for the maintenance of international peace and security to offer its support to best benefit the global community cannot let any country invade other or that will be a declaration of war and illegal.


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