- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


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Nombre Padilla Tacuri Jefferson Alexander                                                               Fecha: 11/08/2015

Tema: drawback protectionism

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The model of trade liberalization that has prevailed in the last 25 years has not been successful. It believes more in the domestic market, subsidizing domestic producers and closing borders through tariffs, tariff surcharges and phytosanitary measures, as has happened with rice. In addition, since there is pressure state institutions to benefit the hog farmer sector.It seems that dominates ideological technically in government decisions. This is seen in the rice tariff surcharge that disrespects trade agreements with other countries, and the worst is that such decisions put us at risk of trade retaliation that will hurt domestic producers themselves are efficient and exported to various countries, piñeros like, the coffee and banana.In international trade, our country is obliged to respect the trade agreements; it does not change the rules of the game for a purely ideological issue. It is as though the US government to impose tariff surcharges piñeros to benefit the agricultural sector.

If this happens, the Costa Rican fruit is not consumed in the small domestic market, which would cause the bankruptcy of many exporters and as second result, the dismissal of employees.The government knows that the model of trade liberalization has allowed the export of various products, which generated foreign exchange earnings and job creation in the country.There is evidence that international trade has helped communist countries like China and Vietnam to grow above 10% annually and reduce poverty to less than one digit.Training. Instead of denying the model, what should be done is to train the producers of rice, milk and pork to make them more efficient, then think of exporting, but not before giving an added value to differentiate our production from foreign competition. It is inconvenient to keep asking the government mercantilist trade policies that do not allow development on competitiveness, but by a tariff that does not contribute to foreign competition enter their markets. Producers must understand that globalization forces them to be efficient and competitive, as they have done in the aforementioned sectors. Only it requires thinking big and well advice. That is the challenge of the Academy and the Ministry of Agriculture: train producers to create strategic alliances and production chains, but not directed to the domestic market, as did the model of import substitution, but thinking about the model of openness which proved to be more successful (OMC, 2015)


Esta noticia es fundamental porque es un inconveniente seguir pidiéndole al Gobierno políticas comerciales mercantilistas que no permiten el desarrollo por competitividad, sino por un arancel que no contribuye a que la competencia externa entre a sus mercados. Los productores deben entender que la globalización los obliga a ser eficientes y competitivos, como lo han hecho en los sectores antes mencionados. Solamente se requiere pensar en grande y asesorarse bien. He ahí el reto de la academia y del Ministerio de Agricultura: capacitar a los productores para crear alianzas estratégicas y encadenamientos productivos, pero no dirigidos al mercado interno, como lo hizo el modelo de sustitución de importaciones, sino pensando en el modelo de apertura comercial que ha demostrado ser más exitoso.


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