- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  25 de Agosto de 2015  •  Tareas  •  259 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  73 Visitas

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Alex: - Hello Erick

Erick: - Hi Alex, how are you?

Alex:- Well thank you, I was thinking about preparing a party tonight.

Erick:- It is a perfect idea, if we want to organize a party, we will buy some food and soda.

Gil:- Yes, You have to start inviting our friends.

Alex:- Its perfect, Let s then call Alejandra and Vivian.

Erick:- If we call more friends, we will have a big party

Alex and Gil:- That sounds good!

In the party…

Gil:- Hello ale are you enjoying the party?

Ale:- Yes, this is a good party.

Ale was calling Vivian…

Ale:- Vivian, Where are you? I'm waiting for you.

Vivian:- I'm arriving to the party.

Ale:- it's okay.

Vivian arrives at the party

Erick, Alex and Gil:- Hello Vivian. You came just in time!

Vivian:- Hi, really? For what?

Alex:- To eat tacos.

Vivian:- Really?, because I 'm starving

In the kitchen…

Erick:- Lets go to eat tacos!

Ale, Gil, Alex and Vivian:- Yes!

Vivian:- We will walk in the park if we eat tacos

Gil:- Yes,  but  we have to clean the house before.

Ale:- If we help you cleaning the house we 'll finish soon.

In the park…

Erick:- if you plan a pool party for next week. We will bring a DJ and plenty of food and drinks

Alex:- It is a good idea.

Ale:- Yes, I’ll take care of calling everyone if you bring the food

Gil:- Where can we have the pool party?

Vivian:- This really cool , but it's late and we have to go home , which seems to them if we agree tomorrow?

Erick:-  Yes I agree, see you tomorrow.

Vivian, Ale, Alex and Gil:- Bye, see you tomorrow.



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