- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  15 de Agosto de 2013  •  Tesis  •  759 Palabras (4 Páginas)  •  268 Visitas

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I. Vocabulary: Name all the things you can in the picture

Rug Notch

Vase Sweater

Box Bag

Necklace Radio

Bowl Portfolio

Purse Vessels

Computer Gloves

Camcorder DVD player

Money Shirts

Digital camera Shoes

II. Social Language: Create a conversation or the people.

A- Hi, How much do you want for that rug?

B- This one?

A- Yes.

B- It´s at $50 but I´ll give it to you at $ 25.

A- Excuse me, does this shirt comes in size M?

B- Yes, of course. Let me check if we still have in the back

A- Thank you.

A- Hey, look what I got!

B- I bought the exact something.

A- How much did it cost you?

B- $ 15 and you?

A- $ 55 I have been riped off.

A- Thank you for your help.

B- It´s nothing ma´m

A- This is for your trouble.

B- Thank you very much.

A- Thanks for the ride, how much is it?

B- $ 20, my pleasure.

III. Grammar: Comparative Sentences

1. She's twice as old as her sister.

2. I'm almost as good in maths as in science.

3. This book is not as exciting as the last one.

4. The cafeteria is not as crowded as usual.

5. Russian is not quite as difficult as Chinese.

6. My sister is much taller than me.

7. It's colder today than it was yesterday.

8. Russian grammar is more difficult than English grammar.

9. She ran more quickly than me.

10. I find maths lessons more enjoyable than science lessons.

IV. Grammar: Superlative Sentences

1. My sister is the tallest in our family.

2. Yesterday was the coldest day of the year so far.

3. The richest people are not always the happiest.

4. She's the luckiest person I know.

5. Some people think that Russian is the most difficult language.

6. Albert Einstein was the most intelligent person in history.

7. My most enjoyable class is Architectonic Design.

8. Marta is the most irritating person I have ever met!

9. My best friend is the most careful person I know.

10. The most boring thing about Architectonic Design class is doing training exercises.


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