- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


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33. About eight miles from Charleston.

34. The dislike to the community of Malden and the curiosity to learn to read and write.

35. The job was  backbreaking and Washington pocketed what little money his stepson earned.

36. A copy of web ser spelling book.

37. Booker could be found studying the alphabet putting Letter together forming words and simple sentences.

38. He managed to teach himself most of the alphabet. He believed that if they could  learn to read and write they could get better  Jobs begin to buy property.

39. He went to a school of the Black people tinkersville school.

40. He was asked to recite his name.

41. Because all life everybody call only Booker and he needs to know his middle name For the school and his presentation.

42. He choose Washington.

43. He choose that name Because it was a name oh his stepfather.

44. Because his Mother told him that his second name was taliaferro there come Booker T. Washington.

45. About  a large Black school that has recently been established   in Virginia.

46. The name of the school was hampton  a school For Black people.

47. About a school hampton that prepared its students.

48. In the mine when two miners talking about a large Black school a Heard that general ruffner need a vacant houseboy.

49. Because there was a vacant houseboy position in the home of General Lewis Ruffner one of the wealthiest men in the town and He applied for the job.

50. She was a woman with a sharp tongue and a reputation of strictness with high standards .She wanted honesty and frankness.

51. Ruffner learned to mold his character, self-improvement, cleanliness and good order.

52. She took interest in education pursuit to him. She provided him with books and she allowed him to attend the Thinkers Ville School for a few hours each day.

53. He helped their family because they didn’t have enough money.

54. Because he wanted to become a student at Hampton Institute

55. It was far away in Richmond Virginia and still 82 miles from Hampton

56. Because he began to run out of money and he had to continue his journey by foot.

57. Because he was tired and He was still 82 miles from Hampton He lay for the night upon the ground under the side walk.

58. He worked as a stevedore to earn some money to buy food

59. With only a few cents in his pocket but he was filled with a tremendous sense of pride and accomplishment.

60. Because Mackie was taking aback by his dirty clothing and his lean, hungry appearance maybe she thought he was a blame or tramp.

61. She said briskly the adjoining recitation room need sweeping .Take the broom and sweep it. She said he will do to enter this institution and assigned the new student room.

62. Washington understood at once that this was to be his entrance exam.

63. Because it was his job when he work with Viola Ruffner  

64. He swept the recitation room three times and he took a dusting cloth and went every square inch of woodwork four time.

65. She said to him “I guess you will do to enter this institution”

66. He became Hampton’s janitor.

67. He received the paiyment of his expenses: meals, books, and room.

68. He doesn’t recieve money. He recieve all the services of the school.

69. With his work of Janitor, because he hadn’t money to pay for the books.

70. Because he felt that Mackie got the idea that he was a worthless loafer or tramp.

71. He learned to take the bathtub, the comb, the napkin, and the toothbrush.

72. He spent three years at Hampton Institute.

73. He enjoyed the "The atmosphere of Christian influence and sympathy" that lead Washington to become interested in the Bible.

74. About thr routine and the industrious habits.

75. It was very important because it helped Booker T. Washington to learn all aspects to become a Janitorial and do their job for satisfaction.

76. In 1875.

77. On leaveing Hampton, Washington returned to his home in Malden.

78. He became in a teacher of Tinkersville School.

79. He oppened a night school.

80. He was the General Armstrong.

81.  He was given the job of teacher and assistant in study hour.

82. The General Armstrong put him in the charge of teacher in the night school.

83. It brought more students to the class of the night.

84. The atmosphere and the desire to study and learn.

85. About two years.

86. He made the night school one of the permanent features and most important of Hampton institution.

87. Because the eagerness of the students to learn was contagious and Washington spent his happiest and most vigorous hours at Hampton in Company of his night students.


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