- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  8 de Enero de 2013  •  911 Palabras (4 Páginas)  •  239 Visitas

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Abbreviation Meaning

<3 heart

404 I haven't a clue

A3 Anyplace, anywhere, anytime

ADN Any day now

AFAIK As far as I know

AFK Away from keyboard

ARE Acronym-rich environment

ASAP As soon as possible

A/S/L? Age/sex/location?

B4N Bye for now

BAK Back at the keyboard

BAS Big a** smile

BBIAB Be back in a bit

BBL Be back later

BBN Bye bye now

BBS Be back soon

BEG Big evil grin

BF Boy friend

BFD Big f***ing deal

BFN Bye for now

BG Big grin

BIBO Beer in, beer out

BIOYIOP Blow it out your I/O port

BL Belly laughing

BMGWL Busting my gut with laughter

BOTEC Back-of-the-envelope calculation

BRB Be right back

BTA But then again...

BTDT Been there, done that

BTW By the way

BWL Bursting with laughter

BWTHDIK But what the heck do I know...?

CICO Coffee in, coffee out

C&G Chuckle and grin

CNP Continued in next post

CFUU Customer f***ed up unit

CHUA Customer's head up a**

CJWB Customer just wanted to bitch

CMIU Customer misunderstood intended use

CNDL Customer not deserving of life

COCR Customer obviously can't read

CRB Come right back

CRBT Crying real big tears

CRS Can't read s**t

CU See you

CUL See you later

CUL8ER See you later

CYA See ya

CYA Cover your ass

CYO See you online

DBA Doing business as

DFLA Disenhanced four-letter acronym (that is, a TLA)

DL Dead link

DLTBBB Don't let the bed bugs bite

DIKU Do I know you?

DITYID Did I tell you I'm distressed?

DOM Dirty old man

DOS Dozing off soon

DQMOT Don't quote me on this

DTRT Do the right thing

DWB Don't write back

E2E exchange to exchange

E2E e-business to e-business

E2E employee to employee

E2E end to end

EEGF Exposed to excessive G force (dropped, etc)

EEMD Environment exceeded manufacture's design

EG Evil grin

EIOE Ethanol-induced operator error

EMFBI Excuse me for butting in

EMSG E-mail message

EOM End of message

EOT End of thread (meaning: end of discussion)

ESAD Eat s**t and die

ESTO Equipment Smarter Than Operator

ETLA Extended three-letter acronym (that is, an FLA)

EWG evil wicked grin

F2F Face to face

FAQ Frequently-ask question(s)

FC Fingers crossed

FISH First in, still here

FLA Four-letter acronym

FMTYEWTK Far more than you ever wanted to know

FOMCL Falling off my chair laughing

FTBOMH From the bottom of my heart

FUBAR F***ed up beyond all repair or recognition

FUD Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt

FWIW For what it's worth

FYI For your information

G Grin

GA Go ahead

GAL Get a life

GIGO Garbage in, garbage out

GD&R Grinning, ducking, and running

GF Girlfriend

GFN Gone for now

GGP Gotta go pee

GIWIST Gee, I wish I'd said that

GL Good luck

GMAB Give me a break

GMTA Great minds think alike

GOL Giggling out loud

GTRM Going to read mail

GTSY Glad to see you

H&K Hug and kiss

HAGN Have a good night

HAND Have a nice day

HEMD Humidity exceeded manufacture's design

HHIS Hanging head in shame

HIG How's


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