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Errors of Comedy. (Adaptation of The Comedy of Errors by William Shakespeare)

Enviado por   •  6 de Marzo de 2013  •  Reseña  •  299 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  603 Visitas

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Errors of Comedy. (Adaptation of The Comedy of Errors by William Shakespeare.)

First, I loved it very much, simply by the fact that at the very first moment I knew it was an adaptation from William Shakespeare, because I always wanted to knew even a single thing from him, ‘cause I knew nothing.

Everything about the play was wonderful, the actors, the dresses, the drama, the setting, the audio, the accent of the actors, all of the play were amazing.

The story was about two families that had a couple of twins each one, they met, and they went to vacations, they were traveling on a ship, so at one moment, they had turbulence at the ship, so they were crazy, and accidentally, each one of the families mixes the babies.

The first family had two Dromios, and the other family had two Antipholus, so at the turbulence, one family had one Dromio and one Antipholus, and the other family too had one Dromio and one Antipholus.

When the time passed, each one of the families searched the other ‘baby’ that they had lost. So they looked and looked for many years but they couldn’t find them.

So one couple of Dromio and Antipholus lived at Ephesus, and the other couple of Dromio and Antipholus lived at Syracuse, and each one didn’t know about the existence of their twins.

But one they, the couple of Dromio and Antipholus from Ephesus visit Syracuse.

Dromio and Antipholus from Ephesus were passing just the time, and Dromio asks Antipholus to go for something to eat. The time passed, and Antipholus didn’t return with Dromio… but then, the Antipholus from Syracuse, met accidentally Dromio from Ephesus and because each couple of Dromio and Antipholus had each own style of talking and each own salute, Dromio from Ephesus, didn’t recognize Antipholus.



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