- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Curso Ingles

Enviado por   •  16 de Julio de 2011  •  347 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  1.210 Visitas

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Actividades de refuerzo.

Write it in WORD PROCESSOR and send it to your teacher by clicking in the space below provided in this screen, the solution of the following activities:

1. Organize the following senteces


´s/ what/ occupation/ her/? What´s her occupation?

intelligent /John/ is/? Is John intelligent?

that/ your/ is /car/? Is that your car?

these/ are /shoes/ your/? Are these your shoes?

my /books / these /are Are these my books?

Jane/ nurse/ is/ a /? Is Jane a nurse?

2. Write the following numbers in letters

A) 15 __fifteen____________ B) 100 _____one hundred______

C) 50 __fifty_____________ D) 1000 _____one thousand______

E) 700 __seven hundred___ F) 4000 _____four thousand______

G ) 18 ___eighteen__________ H ) 80 ____eighty____________

3. Select the most appropriate preposition

The clock is IN / AT / ON the wall

The clock is ON the wall

The students prepare the exposition IN /AT / ON home

The students prepare the exposition AT home

The day of the exam is written IN / AT / ON the blackboard

The day of the exam is written ON the blackboard

The bananas are IN / AT / ON the refrigerator

The bananas are IN the refrigerator

The information is IN / AT / ON this file

The information is IN this file

exercise :Unscramble the sentences

1. magazines /these/ are These are magazines

2. those /apples/ are Those are apples

3. bottle /is /a this This is a bottle

4. that /is/ my /daughter That is my daughter

Fill in the following registration form and send it to your teacher


• Steven J. Molinsky and Bill Bliss. Side by Side four volumes.

• Richards C. Jack. NEW INTERCHANGE 1. Cambridge University press. 1997.

• Bolton David and Goodey Noel. ENGLISH GRAMMAR IN STEPS . Richmond publishing

You did a very good job

You are very important for this learning

in the next week material you will learn many more things

Good luck


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