- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Curso de ingles

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el abecedario         The abc,         [di ei bi ci]
el alfabeto                 the alphabet  ,  [di alfabet]
Ei      bi   ci    di        i        ef        yi

Aa          Bb          Cc        Dd        Ee        Ff        Gg

Eich                ai        dyei               kei         el        em         en

Hh                Ii        Jj                Kk        Ll        Mm          Nn  

Ou        pi        kiu        ar        es        ti        yu        vi

Oo        Pp        Qq        Rr        Ss        Tt        Uu        Vv

Dabliu        ex           guay        zi

Ww                Xx                Yy        Zz

Greetings [“gririns”] Saludos

Hola: Hello [jelou] Hi [jai] Hey [jei] (oye)

Good morning [gud mornin] Buenos días

Good afternoon [gud afternun] Buenas tardes

Good Evening  [gud ifnin] Buenas noches

What’s up? (what is up) [wats op] qué onda?
What’s happening?
[wats japenin] qué pasa?

Farewells [ferwels] despedidas

Good night [gud nait] Buenas noches(adiós)

adiós: Good bye [gud bai], bye-bye [bai bai]

See you [si yu] Nos vemos 
[tumorrou]  mañana
[leirer] después 
Next time
[next taim] siguiente ocasión

See you again [si yu oguein] nos vemos de nuevo

So long [so lon] hasta la vista

Take care [teik ker] cuídate

bon voyage [bon voyash] buen viaje (francés)

 Introduce yourself  [introdius yorself] Presentarse (uno mismo)

Hello, my name is Johnn [jelou mai neim is dyshon]

Hola, mi nombre es John

Nice to meet you [nais tum it yu] gusto conocerte

What’s your name? [wats yor neim]
cuál es tu nombre?

I am Kevin [ai em keven] soy kevin

Nice to meet you too [nais tum it yu tu]
gusto conocerte también

It’s a pleasure! [it’s a pleishor] es un placer

How are you? [jao ar yu] cómo estás

’m fine thanks and you?[am fain tenks end yu] estoy bien, gracias y tú?

Welcome [welcom] bievenido

How are things?  [jao ar thins] cómo van las cosas?

How are you doing? [jao ar yu  duin]
como te está yendo

Bien: Fine [fain] good [gud] Well [wel] okay [okei]

Muy bien: very good [verri gud] very well [verri wel] Gracias, agradecer Thanks [thenks]
Gracias a ti thank you [thein kiu]

De nada your welcome [yor welcom]

And you? [end yu] y tú?

How do you do? [jao du yu du] cómo te va?

How’s it going? [Jaos it goin] cómo te está yendo?

How’s the family? [jaos de femeli]
cómo está la familia?

Not bad [not baed] bien

Not much [not moch] nada
Not much at all [not moch arol] nada de nada

It’s nice to meet you [its nais tu mit yu]
es agradable conocerte

It’s nice to see you again  [its nais tu si yu oguein]
es agradable verte de nuevo

How have you been? [Jao jav yu bin]
cómo has estado?

Long time no see [lon taim  no si]
tanto tiempo sin vernos

Conversation  “converseishon”

Dialogue “daylog”

-Hello  “jelou”


What are you doing here? [wat ar yu duin jir]

Not much “not moch”

How are you doing? “jao ar yu duin”

Not bad. School is going well “not baed skul is goin wel”

Oh is it? That’s good to hear [ o is it? Dats gud tu jir]

What about you? [warabaut yu]

I’m doing okay, although I’ve been sick
[am duin okey, olou av bin sic]

Oh really? That’s too bad [o rili dats tu baed]

Yes and I stayed home [yes end ai steyt jom]

What did you do? [wat did yu du]

I read a book [ai rid a buc]

How are you feeling? [jao ar yu filin]


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