- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Presentation of the city of Bucaramanga

Enviado por   •  18 de Octubre de 2013  •  593 Palabras (3 Páginas)  •  462 Visitas

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This city is also known as “The Beautiful City”. It counts with museums and other tourist places like The Chapel of Los Dolores and The House of The Culture. The city is plenty of beautiful parks.

Bucaramanga is a comercial city, but there are other representative activities like the footwear manufacture, the rag trade, and the provided services. The economy is represented by the farming sector, the agriculture, the cattle farming and the poultry farming.

How to arrive to Bucaramanga

By plane, it is possible to arrive to The Airport of Palonegro that is placed in the region of Lebrija, 40 minutes from the city. By car, the city is conected to the other cities thanks to The Transport Terminal of Bucaramanga.

Parks of Bucaramanga

Bucaramanga is also called the city of the parks because it counts with many nice parks such as:

García Rovira Park:

It is one of the most visited parks, because surroundings there are main places as The Bucaramanga Mayor’s office, the parishes of San Laureano, Dolores chapel and Luis Carlos Galán Sarmiento square. It was named in that way because of a city hero.

Santander Park:

The most important park of the city because of its surrounding constructions: The Cathedral of The Sacred Family; The Hotel Bucarica, a national monument; The Club of The Commerce, an important piece of architecture with a neoclassical style; and The International Center of The Triada.

Bolívar Park:

In the middle of the park, El Libertador statue is located. It was built by Carlos Gómez sculptor. It is located on street 37 between carreras 22 and 23.


Capilla de Los Dolores (chapel):

It is the oldest temple of the city whose historic richness is due to the fact that it was the see of Nuestra Señora de Chiquinquirá and San Laureano. Recently, the chapel was declared national historic heritage.

Iglesia de la Sagrada Familia (church):

It was built in 1887, is located in front of Santander Park, is a majestic work and one of the main constructions of XIX century.

San Laureano Church:

It is one of the architectural values, situated on carrera 12 between street 37, has typical characteristics which dates from XX century.

Capilla de Las Nieves(chapel):

It is situated near the main park of Girón. It is considered one of the oldest churches of Santander because of its colonial style. It is a tradition to have catholic weddings in this chapel because of its solemnity and romanticism.


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