- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


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Alumno: Miguel Ángel Rodríguez Bautista.

Matricula: 146086.

Grupo: LL66.

Materia: Inglés IV

Nombre del docente: Mtra. Sarahi Santaigo Mendoza

Número y tema de la unidad: - Unidad 3, 4, 5 y 6

Ciudad y fecha: Coatzacoalcos, Ver., 18 Jul. 2022.

Actividad: 2. The country and the city: advantages and disadvantages


Aplicar los temas vistos en el bloque de inglés IV en un documento escrito que presente las ventajas y desventajas de la vida en el campo y de la vida en la ciudad, para poner al inglés en acción social en una actividad comunicativa cotidiana.


En un documento Word redacta una descripción sobre la vida en el campo y la vida en la ciudad. Al final, expresa tu opinión mostrando las ventajas y desventajas de vivir en cada uno de estos lugares. Envía este trabajo a tu asesor incluyendo portada, las instrucciones de la actividad y la redacción del texto con extensión de 150 a 200 palabras, todo en letra Arial 15. 

I am delighted to live in the countryside because the air you breathe is much cleaner than that of the city, I am a little disappointed in the pollution that exists in the city it is very scary to see how it is growing more and more. In the countryside the daily routine is more relaxing, although there are days in the city that are lived in a fascinating way, seeing the landscapes of lights every night. Driving in the city is much slower due to the traffic that is made, especially in the mornings, and becomes more uncomfortable during the day because it is hotter than in the countryside although on the other hand, I agree that the technologies offered by large cities are usually much more helpful than those in the countryside and make life more relieving.

Even so, the city is still an interesting place as much as the countryside, but there are people who see many more opportunities to grow professionally, but that depends on each person and the much interest they have, I prefer a much cleaner and more natural place like the countryside. But there are people who see many more opportunities to grow professionally, but that depends on each person and their dreams are to go much further; I my opinion, I prefer a much cleaner and more natural place as much as the countryside.


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