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Food Trends And The Sustainability

Enviado por   •  5 de Octubre de 2014  •  1.451 Palabras (6 Páginas)  •  288 Visitas

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Through this study, we were able to understand the importance of caring for the environment and natural resources. Likewise, we discovered the great relationship between the food and beverage industry and the future welfare of our planet. Being our actions today are the consequences of tomorrow. As professionals in the food industry, we need to be informed and contribute to the production and utilization of products responsibly, encouraging consumption, and in turn, protecting it for future scarcity. Below we will see an example of a popular food at present, its production, its use, its current status in the market, how to encourage its consumption and how to protect it. This product is the Quinoa.

Food trends and the sustainability

Food consumption and production trends and patterns are among the main causes of pressure on the environment. Fundamental changes in the ways food is produced, processed, transported and consumed are indispensable for achieving sustainable development (FAO,2014). The current food systems are not sustainable because resources are used whose rate of production is less than consumption, and are responsible for the use of 70% water, 30% of greenhouse gas emissions and over-exploitation of fishing. This percentage analysis explains the big problem that exists today, and that in the future, will be the main cause of deforestation and scarcity of vital natural resources.

Sustainable consumption and production in food and agriculture is a consumer-driven, holistic concept that refers to the integrated implementation of sustainable patterns of food consumption and production, respecting the carrying capacities of natural ecosystems. It requires consideration of all the aspects and phases in the life of a product, from production to consumption, and includes such issues as sustainable lifestyles, sustainable diets, food losses and food waste management and recycling, voluntary sustainability standards, and environmentally friendly behaviors and methods that minimize adverse impacts on the environment and do not jeopardize the needs of present and future generations. Sustainability, climate change, biodiversity, water, food and nutrition security, right to food, and diets are all closely connected (FAO, 2014). Thus, it is important to become aware now about the consequences of our activities in order to produce and collect resources, taking into account the importance of never collect more than what is produced.

The food and beverage industry is 100% linked to activities that produce and use natural resources. From the farmer, who plants asparagus in South America, large wine producers in Europe, huge packing factories in the U.S., worldwide restaurants, motels and hotels of 5 stars, to each of the students and future professionals in the food and beverage industry, we are all responsible for the future and welfare of the environment and prevent the depletion of natural resources worldwide.

Knowing this, we can see that has slowly grown the concern of small and large businesses in the food industry, regarding the care of the environment and the rejection of the indiscriminate use of natural resources. Sustainability was ranked #5 by chefs among the top menu trends for 2012, with the narrower category “local food” garnering three of the top five spots, according to the National Restaurant Association’s annual survey. At the NRA’s 2012 annual conference, “many restaurant owners were asking about the origin of items, from coffee to seafood to vegetables, as they attempted to respond to consumer demand for sustainably grown and processed foods” (NRA, 2012). So, the use of organic and natural foods has been made not only popular in consumer preferences, but also sellers. Using organic products promotes the care of the earth in the short and long term.

The food trend today is not just focus on eating more fruits, vegetables and grains to maintain adequate nutritional levels, decrease the amount of consumed calories and eat healthy, but also focuses on valuing the organic resources produced by our land. Likewise, the production of these trendy products sometimes do not is given vast and indiscriminate exploitation can cause scarcity of the product for a long time. An example of this is the Quinoa grain originating the Peruvian Andes, which has become very popular in the last 3 years, not only for its delicious taste, but for its high nutrient content. But at the moment, the Andeans aren't supplying enough of the ancient grain. A few thousand miles north, at a downtown Washington D.C. outlet of the fast-casual Freshii chain one recent evening, a sign delivered unpleasant news: "As a result of issues beyond Freshii's control, Quinoa is not available." Strong worldwide demand, the sign explained, had led to a shortage. A Freshii spokeswoman said


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