- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

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Enviado por   •  26 de Octubre de 2016  •  Trabajo  •  491 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  1.445 Visitas

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The artistic beauty is manifested in every corner of the country

Italy has the largest collections of art and documentaries declared World Heritage Site by UNESCO. Rome, Florence, Assisi, Venice, Siena, Pisa and Naples, are the most famous art cities of the country.

  The figures bear this out: 95,000 monumental churches, 40,000 between the forts and castles, gardens 30,000 historic buildings swindlers 4000, 36,000, 20,000 libraries of historic centers, 5,600 museums and archaeological sites, monasteries and convents, between 1500 and many more.

It would be impossible to mention all and every one of them, so we will name a few.

The Basilica of St. John in Rome, where the remains of San Pedro and San Juan.

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Milan Cathedral, a majestic church, at the level of other major Gothic cathedrals in Europe.

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The Galleria dell'Accademia, where it is exposed the famous David by Michelangelo.

A set of ruins of ancient civilizations scattered throughout the country, especially in Rome and Pompeii.[pic 3][pic 4]

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Architecture as Piazza-d'italia-moore.

And also it features samples of twentieth century architecture as the Velasca Tower in Milan.[pic 7]


Italy was always synonymous with good food, an explosion of unique flavors and aromas and fragrances.[pic 8]

This is one of the most popular cuisines in the world for its variety of foods and recipes.

Impossible not to name the pastas and pizzas that both are associated with this country, the famous Parmigiano Reggiano, Prosciutto di San Daniele and Parma, mozzarella and truffles of Alba are just some of the products that make this country one of the largest havens of gastronomic culture.

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In Italy the tourism of sun and beach is located mainly in its side of the Mediterranean. Here we show you the most important beach area of Italy:

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Beaches of the Italian Riviera. Although all the Italian Riviera has beautiful beaches the great majority as we have said are in the west of which we can highlight those found in San Remo, also known the bank of "Fiori" because in the area there are many crops of flowers they give a special charm to the area.

The island of Sardinia is another Italian destination of sun and beach indisputable, with its beautiful beaches and crystal clear water in addition to its large hotel infra-structure.[pic 12]


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