- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Comparación edipo rey y antigona.

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Marianna Guerra

Biography Subject Analysis

Walt Disney

Choose 3 of the first 4 questions then answer question 5.

1) Tell about the influences in this person's early life that developed his/her personality and character. What were this person's talents? What were some experiences that might have foreshadowed that this person would become successful and famous?

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No one paid attention to him.

He was the youngest of 8 brothers.

When he moved to the Windy City, he had to repeat 2 grade, spending more time with younger kids

Since no one paid any attention to him, he started to get in trouble to see if he could get any, but all he would get was punished. He soon created imaginary friends but he mostly talked to a talking mouse. So that is how Mickey Mouse started. Just that for a long moment he had no name

Between the ages of 6-8 he created an imaginary friend, a mouse that talked.

He would get in trouble to call his father’s attention.

People would call him the pet of the house.

2) What is the setting in which this person lived? Was the setting important to his/her success or fame? Could this person have become famous in another setting? How the setting change as the subject did grew older?

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3) Describe the major accomplishments of this person. What did he/she do well? What failures or obstacles did he/she encounter? What exactly did this person do that made him/her famous?  

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Walt brought color to the screens.

The first animated movie in color was Snow White

Workers would say that for a whole moment he would turn into another man, and not the type they liked

Walt struggled with this piece. He was through a lot of stress working on other projects and trying to figure out how to put color into the movie. Finally he accomplished his goal when Snow White came out on the theaters. Soon more movies like this started coming out.

He was under a lot of stress since he had other projects coming up.

the movie came out

They kept delaying it

4)  Write about the personality and character of this person. What are his/her well-known traits and ideals? What are some little-known qualities that you learned about? Did the author characterize this person as perfect, or did the author give you insights into this person's mistakes and faults?  


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