- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  5 de Diciembre de 2012  •  1.857 Palabras (8 Páginas)  •  898 Visitas

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Bloque I


1.- Escribe el comparativo. Ej. small - smaller

1. good

2. intelligent

3. old

4. dark

5. bad

6. large

7. narrow

8. new

9. easy

10. funny

2.- Completa las frases usando un comparativo. Ej. My flat isn’t very big.- I want a bigger flat.

1. My motorbike isn’t very fast. I’d like .

2. My husband isn’t very rich. I need .

3. Your computer is getting old now. You need .

4. His camera isn’t very good. He needs .

5. It isn’t very hot today. It was yesterday.

6. I’m not very interested in football. I’m in tennis.

3.- Escribe frases que signifiquen lo mismo usando ‘as………as’. Ej. A Porsche is faster than a Skoda. – A Skoda isn’t as fast as a Porsche.

1. Football is more popular than cricket in Spain.

Cricket isn’t

2. I work harder than you.

3. My car’s newer than yours.

4. His watch is more expensive than hers.

5. Your flat’s nicer than ours.

6. Paris is colder than Casablanca.

Casablanca is not as cold as Paris

4.- Completa las frases con un superlativo. Ej. He’s a very good footballer. He’s the best footballer in Europe at the moment.

1. She’s a pretty girl. She’s girl in my class.

2. There are many exciting cities in North America, but I think New York is .

3. August is a hot month in Spain. It’s usually month of the year.

4. I was so happy when I got married. My wedding day was day of my life.

5. It’s such an expensive restaurant. I think it’s the restaurant in Madrid.

6. It’s a very interesting book. It’s one of the books I’ve ever read.

5.- Completa las frases correctamente.

1-We went to the places.(beautiful)

2-She was the woman in the world.(famous)

3-It was the most chapter in the book.(interesting)

4-We saw the most crocrodile in the river.(dangerous)

5-This is the book to read.(easy)

6-They are than a house.(big)

7-It was than an apple.(small)

8-The boy is than the man.(clever)

9-Chocolate is than cake.(good)

10-It is the street in the city.(narrow)

Bloque II


1.- Completa correctamente las siguientes oraciones.

1-Today they are in France, yesterday they in Holland.

2-Today it is Tuesday, yesterday Monday.

3-This week we aren't on holiday, yesterday we on holiday.

4-She is a woman, she a baby.

5-We are men, we boys.

6-Is there a picture? Not now, but a picture yesterday.

7-Are there books? Not now, but books yesterday.

8-Is there a chair? Not now but a chair yesterday.

9- a table yesterday, but there is one now.

10- chairs yesterday, but there is one today.

11-Was he at school? Yes, .

12-Were the children in the classroom? No, .

13-Were the girls happy? Yes, .

14-Was the room big?Yes, .

15-Were you there?No I .

2.-Traduce estos participios al inglés.











3.-Completa la tabla de los irregulares añadiendo pasados y participios pasados. Ejemplo: Infinitive---- Past ----P.participle

To go-------went------gone

Infinitive-----Past-------- P.Participle

-1-To see--------- ---------seen

-2-To read-------read--------

-3-To ------learnt-------learnt

-4-To drive------ --------driven

-5-To ride-------rode---------

-6-To smell-----smelt---------

4.- Completa la tabla de los verbos irregulares rellenando las formas que faltan.


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