- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Desarrollo regional

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The period of regional development is considered to be a progress of the civilization, in which the technologies enjoy themselves of a better way and together the population advances, with this one believes a stratification of the same one and one gives a separation of works between the existing classes.

 There are in use such materials as metals, wood, stones, bone, leather, between others, which were worn out of different forms with what hereinafter one is going to be able to manage to separate a culture from other one.

Likewise it is known that they had his religious beliefs based on the existence of the life after the death and were adoring mythical beings.

In the regions of the Ecuador there can be distinguished several cultures that were given in this period, which will be detailed later.


In the coastal area of the Ecuador on not having existed rigid divisions of territory can be elements of different cultures in territories a bit removed to his origin. By means of archaeological studies it was possible to deduce that the climate during this period was different to from the others, which could turns reflected in the opposing vestiges of every culture. Of the same way one gives a notable conversion of big emporiums to sectors absolutely isolated at present.

Between the cultures of the littoral we have:

  • Sistema Fluvial del Guayas

In the basin of the river Guayas the excavations are scanty, it was achieved to locate the Culture Tejar and a stage of transition between this one and the Chorrera, which is named as a phase "Guayaquil”.

  • Jambelí Culture

From the zone of the Tumbez up to the southern bridge of Santa Elena, this culture was located; which was a land of swamps with accumulations of shells, remains of fish and crustaceans, fragments of ceramics and utensils of stone and shell.

It is supposed that they should have lived in cabins, mas it is not known to certain science since they were constructed, since as the useful ones of stone are scanty the opposing remains. Between the appliances of stone we have hammers, small discs of unknown application, limes - knives, and others.

While to the ceramics, the typical technology of identical was white on red bottom and they were provided with a bit with negative painting; others were decorated by incisions and buttons that could be horizontal. The most common forms were: plates, deep cavities, jars, compote bowls and polípodos with hollow or massive legs and anthropomorphous decorations. The figurines were hollow, with rectangular head and characteristics that were demonstrating certain influence of the cultures Guangala or Bahía.

  • Guangala Culture

It settled itself between the north of the gulf of Guayaquil and Isla Puná up to the Mountain chain Chongón, Colonche and Paján. Of this culture and of his housing information and / or remains are not had, except a container of ceramics that well might represent a house or a temple of adoration. While to the precious stones they found scrapers and knives of obsidian close to them of horsteno and flint, which had tops carved by both faces. Fishhooks, spoons, hooks for estólicas and cajitas and personal adornments as narigueras, cuentecillas for necklaces and hangers they were made of shell. Whereas the generating appliances of sound like whistles and flutes were worked in bones of ravens.

It is necessary to stress that this one was the first culture that I provide with metallurgy, in which they were hammering the copper, creating this way wire and with the smelting of these some objects which it was not achieved to decipher his use. The ceramics were one of the most used elements, they found flutes, stamps, earflaps, figurines, whistles, big compote bowls (which were used as seat for some personage of the settlement). Also with thin ceramics stones and rattles were constructed. The decoration of these was with colors dark, black or red coffee on tawny bottom, similar to that of Jambelí.

  • Bahía Culture

He was from Caraquez up to Manabi Central, including the Island of the Silver and Key. The beauty of the height of shell met emphasized in the necklaces, sleigh-bells, bracelets and others; in the lapidary art we find the anthropomorphous sculptures and zoomorfas; in stone appliances like axes, stones of grinding, grooved tablets. This culture was the first in working with gold, making with the adornos as narigueras, earflaps and small plates with technology of embossed. Besides his housing it was known more that of any culture, these they were of rectangular plant and I roof to two slopes with the only door to which a final touch was met to him by an adornment. The ceramics were two sizes, the normal one and the "giant bay”, that were producing a metallic sound on having been struck between if.

  • Jama-Coaque Culture

It was located in the Cabo de San Francisco and Bahía de Caraquez. Before being excavated by archeologists it was plundered and then they commercialized his pieces clandestinly. The ceramics of this culture were decorated by painting, there were created sonorous jars, pyramidal structures that well can represent temples or adoratorios adorned with reliefs and applications.

  • La Tolita Culture

This culture seated his housings in a zone of varied ecological niches, to be more exact to the north of what today is Emeralds. His name owes to the existence of several artificial mounds or tolas, is one of most known national and internationally due to his big attributes. His economy not only was based on the agriculture; but also in the manufacture of crafts, which had a great summit in his epoch and in turn such trades as the ceramics, metals, wood, thin stones, basket-making, textiles, works in bones, leather, pens, etc. In his archaeological pieces there can meet reflected the creativity and skill that they were possessing to the moment to elaborate each of them, already in them it was possible to see his form of life, beliefs and customs.

By means of this it is possible to deduce that they were adoring mythical beings which were represented in the shape of animals, between which were standing out the felines, the serpent, apes and toads.


These cultures evolve egocentricamente, since due to the geographical barriers a major contact does not give itself between them, which later gives a bit exchange of his currents. Between the cultures of the saw we have:

  • Cerro Narrío II

In the archaeological site Hill Narrío are remains of the culture that date back to the regional development, which can turns reflected in the characteristics of his ceramics, that is to say, the white painting on negative bottom, likewise they find the geometric incisions on red. The anthropomorphous forms in bottles and the appearance of the metalwork that appears in the flat narigueras and penilunares with technology of hammered; this one was the technology most distinguished from this culture as for the ceramics, where they were using "huactanas" or hitters. This technology even potter of Jatumpanpa is used in the center (Azogues).


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