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Competencias Comunicativas Lengua Inglesa

Enviado por   •  25 de Abril de 2013  •  3.883 Palabras (16 Páginas)  •  472 Visitas

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Pedagogical research was conducted in the 2011-2012 school year in the University Polyclinic Camilo Cienfuegos, the municipality of San Cristobal, Artemis. We used a universe of 150 students of a medical career, selecting a sample of 28 students in the second year of the race. To which we applied an initial diagnosis (comprising four knowledge projective tests, one for each language skill: listening, speaking, reading and writing) to evaluate the development of communicative competence they possessed. Based on the difficulties encountered in the diagnosis was made the set of activities to develop communicative competence in English in sophomores medicine.

Keywords: Set of activities, communication skills, English language.


Millions of inhabitants of the land used as a communication in the English language, because this language that places the seat ascendancy of the interaction between men.

The communication objective of the teaching and learning of languages ​​is the desired end in any curriculum. In Cuba there have been difficulties in using English as a medium of communication in medical students. Students are considered unable to establish a conversation with English speakers. When analyzing the deficiencies are determined that the cause lies in the insufficient development of communicative competence in the English language.

In the 1960s comes a methodology in which the ultimate goal is communication. Previously taught language as a linguistic category, to say Rubinstein 1964 in language teaching should take into account the problem from the psychological standpoint is communication through language and the problem of thinking, speak and use language. Leontiev 1982 notes that in language teaching has been emphasized in the way and has not been given due attention to the psychological aspects.

Many authors have stressed that the results of language teaching have been unsatisfactory regarding the development of communication skills due to the isolated teaching of the elements of the language gradually integrated into a cumulative process Wilkins, 1976; Rivers, 1978 , Lentiev, 1982, Johnson, 1983; Acosta, 1991.

Upon graduating classroom language have not been able to communicate in the language studied from first year to fifth year of medicine, because communication is not just the accumulation of linguistic elements but also of university students who have worked on materials creating a climate conducive to establish relationship, dialogue and exchange of information. To cope with real communicative situations graduates of higher education are not prepared by poverty in developing communicative competence, which has been shown in the course of the semester in specialty medicine. Although evidence that students are able to read to understand and write. For all of the above is that you get the following scientific question.

Two. Scientific Problem

How to contribute to the development of communicative competence in English class of medical students?

Three. Theoretical Framework

3.1. Object of study.

The educational process of medical students in the English class.

3.2. Target.

Develop a set of activities that enable the development of communicative competence in the educational process of the students in the second year of medicine at the University Polyclinic: Camilo Cienfuegos San Cristobal, Artemis.

3.3. Scientific Inquiry.

1 - What theoretical assumptions underpinning the development of communicative competence in the educational process of medical students in the English class?

2 - What threw diagnosis results applied to medical students?

3 - How to design a set of activities that contribute to the development of communicative competence in the educational process in the specialty of medicine?

3.4. Scientific tasks.

To comply with the proposed objective scientific performed the following tasks:

1-Study of pedagogical literature, psychological, philosophical and theoretical expertise to support the work and proposal.

2-Analysis of the actual state of development of the communicative competence of medical students in the English class.

3-Develop a set of activities that contribute to the development of communicative competence of the educational process in the English class of medical students.

3.5. The communicative approach communicative competence for communication.

"... Every language is a temple in which the spirit is enshrined speakers .... (Oliver Wendell Holmes, 1860).

Teaching a language is an interesting and exciting occupation. The nature of language and its complex operations is a controversial point, and psychologists have still much to investigate about how you learn a language, be it native or foreign. Language teachers have an open field, they can experiment and innovate, to use what has been successful in another time and place, repeating improve what has been effective in circumstances, share successes explore the failures of others, thus increasing the knowledge and experiences. Learning to use the language fluently and correctly is a long process and requires much effort. Teachers can not learn the language for their students, but put them on the road, help them develop confidence in their learning potential. Some students may learn well the language, others find it more difficult in the effort.

Language is the medium that serves to interpersonal relationships. When teaching a language should be to help students to communicate in the language. Learning a language is a social phenomenon and individual. Aschan Roger raised in 1570 that all languages, maternal or foreign, are learned only through imitation. According to the linguist there is a close relationship between hearing the sounds and learn to speak. If only refers to the stage when children begin to play the sounds that those around repeated, his thesis is correct. But in the process of teaching and learning of languages, success depends on the imitation of what students hear or the mere reproduction of the sounds, the success depends on being able to communicate ideas, feelings and thought in the language has been learned. Samuel Johnson, in 1781, said that language is the envelope of thought. This linguist without being a materialist argues that language is the immediate reality of thought, practice real consciousness, thought the wrapping material, the specific form of man to express reality.

In the works of José Martí is discovered that studied the


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