- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


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                COLEGIO MARCO ANTONIO CARREÑO SILVA[pic 1][pic 2]


Resoluciones Nos. 2112 del 18/07/2002, 3297 del 11/10/2002, 303 del 29/01/2003,

160027 del 15/12/2008, 2953 del 14/09/2011 y 16-015 del 12/07/2017

                               DANE: 111001014826 – NIT: 830054666-8


TÍTULO DE LA UNIDAD DIDÁCTICA: Narratives: Imagine that!

PROBLEMATIZACIÓN: What famous explorers can you remember? Why do you remember them? What are the differences between explorers from centuries ago and today’s explorers? What mystery books do you know about? Which is your favourite ghost or mystery story? Tell a strange or unusual event that happened to you. Do you collect things? What do these things say about you? What might a explorer’s chest of memorabilia contain?

NÚCLEO PROBLEMICO: Why to study history? Famous explorers

CICLO:   3          NIVEL:     Basic             GRADO:    7th              CURSO(S):        701, 702 y 703 

PERÍODO:        3                    FECHA DEL TRIMESTRE: 19.10.2021 – 12.11.2021

ÁREA ADMINISTRATIVA:   Human Sciences      ASIGNATURA(S): English as a foreign language 

NOMBRE DEL DOCENTE: Yalile Beatriz Guzmán Bohórquez

OBJETIVOS RETADORES: Design and present a chest full of a famous explorer’s memorabilia. Tell anecdotes related to his/her achievements and deeds.

METODOLOGÍA DEL PROCESO: Project Based Learning: A chest from the past

ANEXO 1: PROPÓSITOS Y/O COMPETENCIAS Talk about the past and describe emotions and situations. Ask and answer questions using the simple past tense. Talk about explorer’s experiences and childhood memories.

DESEMPEÑOS Identifica y aplica vocabulario relacionado con verbos regulares e irregulares, expresiones de tiempo en pasado y adjetivos que expresan emociones. Describe eventos en pasado como anécdotas, experiencias, viajes, sueños o un recuerdo de la infancia. Narra las principales aventuras de un famoso explorador.

Name: ___________________________________ Date: _____________ Grade; ______________

Stage 1. Description

Narratives: Imagine that!

Throughout this unit you will investigate a famous explorer in order to design and present a chest full of all his/her memorabilia. You will also tell anecdotes related to his/her achievements and deeds by means of a video you shoot to make an oral presentation.

Use: a shoebox or a wooden box, the Internet, printer, paper, markers, stickers from albums, old magazines, stamps, plastic bottles, googly eyes, wool, buttons, glue and scissors.

A. Look for the place, date of birth and the main achievement of the explorers in the list. Write information cards. Christopher Columbus, Ferdinand Magellan, Sir John Hawkins, Vasco Da Gama, Amerigo Vespicci, Henry Hudson and Louis Jouliet.


Date and place of birth:



Exciting moments:

Evidence of learning or product: Information cards

Stage 2. Description

B. Choose your favourite explorer from Stage 1. Use six strips of colorful paper and write a question about him/her with its corresponding answer on each one.

Draw maps of his /her trips. Find out what navigation instruments existed at that time and print pictures of them.

Evidence of learning or product: Paper strips with questions and answers. Pictures of instruments of navigation.

Stage 3. Description

1. Choose one of these explorers, Steve Irwin or Sue Hendrickson, and find information. Use the cues to write a paragraph about his/her life.

[pic 3]

[pic 4]

a. Her/His name was …

b. She/He was born on …

c. She/He was interested in …

d. She/He was frightened by …

e. Among her/his achievements we can mention …

In my opinion, her / his experiences were …





2. Now think about yourself. Answer the following questions. Then, use them to write a short text about yourself.

a. What were you like when you were 8 years old? _______________________________________


b. What was your favourite game? / TV program when you were little? ________________________


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